+44(0)1531 828930

LIMS Lab Systems: Industry Applications 

Our LIMS Lab Systems Cater to a Range of Diverse Applications 

Our LIMS lab systems are designed to work in any industry and can be configured in a way that suits the unique needs and requirements of any business or laboratory. Many of the laboratories we service are multi-disciplined, often covering many different industry sectors and performing various types of analysis. This requires our LIMS lab system to be flexible and adaptable to meet new needs and regulations. We therefore provide tools to allow many aspects of LIMS to be entirely user-configurable.

Customer Quotes

Nicholls Colton James Gane

We’re relatively new to the AIS LIMS software as it was installed only six months ago. We will be continually expanding on our user capability over the next few months to get the most out of the software. Through usage we are identifying new...

Hampshire Scientific Service Shayne Dyer - Technical Manager & Public Analyst

We’ve had our AIS LIMS system since 2000 and it’s an integral part of our processes. As well as helping to accurately record samples with multiple users, it also helps us track our samples, showing how long it is taking. Reports are highly...

SRUC Ths Scottish Agricultural College

The use of AIS LIMS at nine SAC laboratories plus all four Scottish Public Analyst laboratories and several contract analysis laboratories ensures that AIS maintains a strong presence in Scotland...

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