Anglia Ruskin University
The Salivary Analysis Laboratory within the Department of Psychology
AIS LIMS is now the ‘heart’ of the laboratory dealing as it does with almost every aspect of the saliva samples ‘life cycle’ - from the creation of the barcodes, the entry of the samples into the lab through the analysis of the ELISA data, reporting...
Hampshire Scientific Service
Shayne Dyer - Technical Manager & Public Analyst
We’ve had our AIS LIMS system since 2000 and it’s an integral part of our processes. As well as helping to accurately record samples with multiple users, it also helps us track our samples, showing how long it is taking. Reports are highly...
Mercian Science
Jonathan Usher & Vicky Hall
We’ve been using the current AIS LIMS software for approximately 17 years, so we are very comfortable with the system and it forms the backbone of our processes. Our system has evolved with technical help from the support team at AIS and we work...